Thursday, January 27, 2011

what's your sign?

why are horoscopes so intriguing? it's just a collection of random fortunes...but for some strange reason i always catch myself wanting to know more! i seriously am so interested in learning about my sign, gemini-- the twin, who's known for being indecisive and spontaneous.

i honestly couldn't be any more of a gemini. and i refuse to conform to this new zodiac sign change...i will forever be a confused and entertainment-seeking gemini!

gemini -- the twin, dual-natured

likes -- talking, novelty, variety, multiple projects at once, reading (it even said blogging haha)

dislikes -- feeling tied down, routine, being alone, sticking to decisions

famous geminis -- bob dylan, john f kennedy, clint eastwood, andy griffith, barbara bush, johnny depp, anne frank, george bush, donald trump, lionel richie, prince william

and now for today's gemini horoscope! Relations with partners of all kinds - business, romantic, creative - might be somewhat strained today, Gemini. You and the other parties involved may have been under a lot of stress, and you could be snapping at each other. It might be a good idea to keep contact between you to a minimum. If you can't, try to be cordial and cooperative even if you don't feel like it.

Click here for all zodiac horoscopes!

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